Thursday, July 1, 2010

Want some Author Memorabilia? Try Dickens' Dog's Collar on For Size!

The Huffington Post is always good for some fun and random book news. Like yesterday's featured poll, for example: Surprising Author Auctioned Memoribilia.

Does your dog need a new collar? How about Charles's Dickens' embossed dog collar--for $11,590? Or if you aren't so canine-friendly, perhaps his gold-and-ivory toothpick would better suit you? Only $9,150!

OR you could have a locket of your very own, complete with a lock of Jane Austen's hair! For the low, low price of 4800 pounds!
Check out the slideshow HERE and let us know which YOU would bid on and why!

1 comment:

  1. ew! dickens' toothpick! but for me it would have to be the handwritten Twain ms :)

    - Tara Hart
