Thursday, February 16, 2012

Literary Themed Cupcakes? Get in My Belly!

This GalleyCat post was just too awesome not to share (and add to below!):

A team of literary bakers have created cupcakes inspired by Neil Gaiman and his beloved graphic novel series, The Sandman.

We’ve embedded a photo above, created by the Cupcake et Macaron in Canada. The Cupcakes Take the Cake blog uncovered these delicious and literary baked goods.

Check it out: ” You don’t often read stories that are so well written, and with such lovely characters. I just adored it, and if you haven’t read it yet, you really, really should! With that in mind, it really was just a matter of time before my love for Sandman met my love of everything sweet and delicious! I will eventually do all seven siblings as fondant figures, but for now, I made my favourites: Death, Dream and of course, Delirium!”

See the original post HERE

Now, I'm on a mission to find other literary-themed Cupcakes...

Here are the results thus far:

Twilight - Team Jacob v. Team Edward

The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar

A Harry Potter Cupcake party

Dr. Seuss gets some Cupcake love

Steampunk cupcakes, anyone?

Where the Wild Things Are is apparently IN MY BELLY.

What book or character would YOU like to see transformed into a cupcake?


  1. These cupcakes are amazing. They look pretty which makes them look more delicious, but eating them would destroy their prettiness. What a sad, delicious conundrum.
