Thursday, June 16, 2011

Eternal Life for Harry Potter on Rowling's "Pottermore"

As we approach the release of the final Harry Potter film (July 15 for those of you who are not obsessed), J.K. Rowling and her band of beloved magic-folk are in the news once more.

According to Digital Spy, Rowling has just announced a new Harry Potter website called "Pottermore." Speculation is that the creation of the site might poise the author to write and release another HP.
JK Rowling has unveiled a mysterious new website titled Pottermore, sparking speculation that more Harry Potter is on the way.

The Potter author launched - currently featuring just a logo, the message "Coming soon" and Rowling's signature - on Wednesday, following a frenzied "Secret Street View" challenge.

Ten Potter websites were given co-ordinates which each pertained to a different letter in the Pottermore name, all of which were pieced together to reveal the website's address.

While no further details have been revealed about the project, a source at, who has apparently seen the site, described it as "breathtaking in scope, detail and sheer beauty".

A Pottermore Twitter account has also been set up at

The name is said to have been the last patent recorded by Rowling, who registered the word internationally in July 2009.

Rowling is currently working on several new projects and has previously confessed that she is unsure whether she would ever write another Harry Potter book.

Read the original post HERE

While I love the books, I've gotta say, I think it's time for Rowling to let go of the HP trend and try her hand at something new. The story line is complete now, and any additions would just be forced and ring untrue. At least to me. Even book 7 was pushing it, in my opinion!

I am, however, still excited for the last film. Check out the trailer below if you haven't seen it yet! *squee*


  1. I'm betting she's working on prequel works. The story of the original Order of the Phoenix would be interesting as a one book release. There's plenty of fodder for books in that world without ever revisiting Hogwarts. In the Goblet of Fire she showed several organizations of witches from around the globe, like The Salem Witches Institute.

    If she picked new characters, location and angle, I would happily read them all. The Voldemort problem encompassed the UK and parts of Europe, I doubt the USA had a problem with Death Eaters.

  2. Agreed--expanding on what's already in the books would definitely spark my interest too! :)
